داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: میفه پریستون

"These are osmotic dilators of dried seaweed or synthetic hydrophilic substances that are left in place from a few hours (synthetic) to overnight (seaweed).IB: Mifepristone (RU-486). the progesterone antagonist, produces preoperative cervical dilation equally effectively, and the ease of its single oral dose makes it a more attractive choice, but oral mifepristone requires a long pretreatment (24-36 hours).1*1 Buccal misoprostol (400 pg) dilates the cervix as effectively as laminaria when given 4 hours prior to the procedure, and it is relatively inexpensive.1"- After (he procedure, the patient is observed for 1-2 hours before returning home. The progesterone antagonist mifepristone (RU- 486) and the antimetabolite methotrexate have both been demonstrated to effectively induce abortion early in pregnancy when combined with a prostaglandin. France and China were the first countries to approve the marketing of the medical abortifacient mifepristone, a synthetic relative of the progestational agents in oral contraceptives. Mifepristone acts primarily, but not totally, as an antiprogestational agent. Both progesterone and mifepristone form hormone-receptor complexes that are similar, but the mifepristone complex has a slightly different conformational change (in the hormone-binding domain) that prevents full gene activation.

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