داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: سرووار

The mortality rate is usually low (<1%) for most serovars [6,94], although infections with the host-adapted serovars (e.g. Typhimurium were the most frequently reported serovars, constituting 67.4% of all reported cases where the information on serovars was provided. Seroagglutination of outer membrane O-antigens (LPS) and flagellar H-antigens defines the serovar according to the Kaufmann-White scheme. For exam- ple, the antigenic structure O:1,4,5,12 and H1/H2 b:1,2 defines Salmonella enter- ica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium (in short, Salmonella Typhimurium). Within the species and subspecies, more than 2500 different serovars have been identified [55].

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