زمینشناسی و معدن::
Serpentine dewatering causes intermedi- ate earthquakes to depths of 400 km.
Intermediate earthquakes are related to dewatering processes with increasing depth of the mineral serpentine.
Serpentine is a magnesium silicate mineral with a high water-content (Mg6[Si4 O10 (OH)8]; the water- content is 13 weight-%).
Serpentine develops from olivine and pyroxene precursors and frequently oc- curs in peridotites of the lithospheric mantle below the oceanic crust as well as in serpentinite bodies within the oceanic crust.
Because the amount of serpentine decreases with depth, the number of intermediate earthquakes also decreases; this trend continues to a maximum depth of 400 km where serpentine is no longer available (Fig. 7.23).
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