برق و الکترونیک::
much that today the thermistor has overtaken the thermocouple, its second major rival and is only slightly inferior to the platinum resistance thermometer over its recommended temperature range.
Also in this category are thermocouples and thermopiles; pneumatic detectors, where expansion of a gas causes a diaphram movement (this may lead to a change in illumination of a subsidiary photocell as in the Golay Cell); thermactors, where the capacitance across a semiconducting junction varies rapidly with temperature change; pyroelectric materials such as triglycine sulphate (TGS) and finally "Nernst Effect" detectors.
t uciixuaiui 298 4.0 x 107 2.0 <30 Thermocouple 298 1.4 xlO9 36.0 < 5 Golay cell 298 1.7 xlO9 20.0 < 5 NnN superconducting bolometer 15 5.0 x 109 • 0.5 -
Alternative forms of AC/DC transfer devices include the electrostatic voltmeter for frequencies up to 20 KHz, thermal converters employing a heated thermocouple in a vacuum, and reflecting electro-dynamic instruments at low audio frequencies.
This advantage has been successfully exploited at lower temperatures, but the practical maximum operating temperature limit of 300'C has for many years prevented the thermistor from being truly competitive with such sensors as the thermocouple and the resistance thermometer or with instruments like the optical pyrometer.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران
Nozzle Thermocouple Replacement
Manifold Thermocouple Replacement
Do not mix electrical power cables and thermocouple extension cables.
Thermocouple extension cable is not designed to cany the power.
Electrical power cable used with thermocouples will give inaccurate temperature readings.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران