داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: تراکئوستومی، تراکئوستومی، تراکئوستومی

Because of the diffuse locations of these growths and the speed at which they tend to proliferate, tracheostomy is sometimes required to guarantee the patient a func- tional airway. In more severe cases, surgical repair of the subglottic region is required, including tracheostomy in extreme cases.32-33 During the healing period, the airway is maintained via tracheostomy. paralysis and requires a surgical pro- cedure to reestablish adequate airway, often through a tracheostomy.،Because of the diffuse locations of these growths and the speed at which they tend to proliferate, tracheostomy is sometimes required to guarantee the patient a func- tional airway. In more severe cases, surgical repair of the subglottic region is required, including tracheostomy in extreme cases.32-33 During the healing period, the airway is maintained via tracheostomy. paralysis and requires a surgical pro- cedure to reestablish adequate airway, often through a tracheostomy.،To perform this technique safely, however, requires the involvement of experts in obtaining an airway. fte goal is extuba- tion as soon as possible to allow the patients to clear their own airways because they can perform their own pulmonary toilet better than through an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy. fte first sign of impending pulmonary failure is a decline in oxygen- ation. ftis is best followed up with continuous oximetry, and a decrease in saturation to less than 92% is indicative of failure. Some have stated that early tracheostomy (within the first week) might be indicated in those with significant burn who are likely to require long-term ventilation. In one study, it was found in severely burned children who underwent early tracheostomy that the peak inspiratory pressures were lower after tracheostomy, with higher ventilatory volumes and pulmonary compliance and higher PaO2/FIO2 ratios. No instances of tracheostomy site infec- tions or tracheal stenoses were identified in the 28 patients studied. Another randomized study comparing those severely burned patients who underwent early tracheostomy with those who did not found similar improvements in oxygenation; however, no significant differences could be found in outcome measures such as ventilator days, length of stay, incidence of pneumonia, or survival.

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