داستان آبیدیک




1 عمومی:: خالی‌ بودن‌، جای‌ خالی‌، پست‌ بلاتصدی‌، (vacantness) محل‌ خالی‌، تهیجا، جا

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general::   noun ADJ. unfilled | suitable The agency will let you know if they have any suitable vacancies. | casual, temporary | job, presidential, senate, staff VERB + VACANCY have | create, leave Her going on maternity leave will create a temporary vacancy. | fill VACANCY + VERB arise, exist, occur A vacancy has arisen in our sales department. PREP. ~ for a vacancy for head chef | ~ in a vacancy in the catering department

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

2 general:: vacancy ADJECTIVES/NOUN + vacancy a job vacancy • He searched the newspapers regularly for job vacancies. a suitable vacancy • We will keep your CV on file in case other suitable vacancies arise. an unfilled vacancy (= a job for which no one has been hired ) • The teaching unions estimate there are some 10,000 unfilled vacancies. a staff vacancy • Other officers are working overtime because of staff vacancies. verbs have a vacancy • We have no vacancies for cleaners at present. advertise a vacancy • Where did you see the vacancy advertised? fill a vacancy (= find or be a new person for a job ) • We are making every effort to fill the vacancies. create/leave a vacancy • the vacancy which was created by White’s resignation there is a vacancy • She asked if there were any vacancies for salespeople. a vacancy comes up ( also a vacancy arises/occurs formal ) (= there is a vacancy ) • A vacancy has arisen on the committee.


3 general:: noun unoccupied or unused: The hotel did not have a vacancy for us.

Simple Definitions

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