obliged, bound
guarantor (1) : one that makes or gives a guaranty (2) : one that guarantees, also guaranty and guarantee
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obligor : a. one who is bound by a legal obligation b. one who has undertaken an obligation; a promisor or debtor (Bond – An instrument under seal, whereby a person binds himself to do or not to do certain things; this is a single bond. The person so binding himself is called the obligor; the person to whom he is bound, who is entitled to enforce the bond, is called the obligee. JBSJ (an obligation extinguished by the performance of the obligora cf كفيل، ضامن
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promisor : one who makes a promise; esp, one who undertakes a contractual obligation (Impossibility of performance – Impossibility of performance does not as a rule discharge the liability under a contract, but in certain cases the promisor is excused from performing his promise if it is shown that performance is impossible without any default on his part – JBSf
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pledger, also pledgor : the party delivering goods in pledge; the party pledging; one that pledges
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covenanter, also covenantor : a party bound by a covenant; a party who makes a covenant (Dominium – A term in the Roman law, used to signify ownership of a thing, as opposed (1) to a mere life interest or usufruct; (2) to an equitable or
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subscriber : One who writes his name under an instrument; one who affixes his signature to any document, whether for the purpose of authenticating or attesting it, of adopting its terms as his own expressions, or of binding himself by an engagement which it contains. / One who becomes bound by a subscription to the capital stock of a corporation. One who has agreed to purchase stock from the corporation on the original issue of such stock, whether before or after incorporation. One who agrees to buy securities of a corporation, either bonds or stocks. HCBp
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