

1 عمومی:: کورتیکواستروئید، کورتیکواستروئید

Corticosteroids are also not indicated. In patients with acute respiratory fail- ure, persistence of lack of foot flexion at the conclusion of immunotherapy is an indicator of prolonged mechanical ventilation.243 Neither interferon nor corticosteroid use has been shown to improve outcome, either alone or in combi- nation with immunotherapy, but newer immune modula- tion drugs are currently in clinical trials.244 Corticosteroids do have a role in estab- lishing longer-term control of immunosuppression because IVIG and plasmapheresis have limited duration of efficacy. Corticosteroids alone are associated with a transient wors- ening of symptoms, before improvement, so they are best used concurrently with or immediately after plasmapheresis or IVIG. granisetron) in combination with low-dose corticosteroids should be used.265،Corticosteroids are also not indicated. In patients with acute respiratory fail- ure, persistence of lack of foot flexion at the conclusion of immunotherapy is an indicator of prolonged mechanical ventilation.243 Neither interferon nor corticosteroid use has been shown to improve outcome, either alone or in combi- nation with immunotherapy, but newer immune modula- tion drugs are currently in clinical trials.244 Corticosteroids do have a role in estab- lishing longer-term control of immunosuppression because IVIG and plasmapheresis have limited duration of efficacy. Corticosteroids alone are associated with a transient wors- ening of symptoms, before improvement, so they are best used concurrently with or immediately after plasmapheresis or IVIG. granisetron) in combination with low-dose corticosteroids should be used.265

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