روان شناسی و مشاوره::
But this ignition only occurs after an extended unconscious process that might be thought of as incubation or gestation, a period during which new links are made and a new idea is formed.
The second phase is 'incubation' when, according to Wallas, there is an unconscious sifting and sorting of the material amassed earlier and new associations or combinations are tried out.
I discussed the incubation of an idea for a new work in Chapter 2, but it is also relevant here.
The person takes these elements into the receptive unconscious (as opposed to the repressed unconscious) for 'incubation' or gestation (Bollas 1992b).
illumination 27-36; experiences of 27-8; Wallas on 26; see also idea; inspiration illusion 4, 58; and fusion 4, 55; Milner on 4, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60; Milner's definition of 4, 51 incubation see gestation
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