داستان آبیدیک



1 هنر:: هم‌جواری

Part of Burton's success is his "ability to transform colour into a commodity . . . with high visibility in public space," a space that is beyond just the screening of his films.20 Burton's highly stylized juxtaposition of deeply saturated, marginal colors against bland backgrounds of neutral peachybeige or his trademark gray-blue work to create a new kind of fantasy realm full of contrasting colors that is then replicated and marketed to children in a variety of products (and not necessarily limited to products based on the film itself). Burton's common theme of light versus dark frequently manifests itself in the juxtaposition of the living versus the dead. The binary light/dark in Nightmare and Corpse Bride is also analogous to the juxtaposition of adulthood/ childhood. The Corpse Bride palette draws the viewer into a world full of dissent and disruption (nothing in the underworld goes according to plan, in contrast to the almost neurotic scramble to stick to the plan in the world of the living) and makes that chaotic, lively underworld more desirable by its juxtaposition with the bland and painfully cold stiffness of the world above. The humorous juxtaposition of Victor's middle-class family (they are brash, uncouth, and interestingly, the mother is overweight but not the father) and Victoria's literally stiff-upper-lipped, perpetually frowning, titled family (they are the reverse body types-the mother is thin and the father is overweight-body images that are subtle modern-day markers of class) personifies class distinctions that have a long history in Western culture.34 Victoria's parents' cold and calculated desire "to commodify and appropriate any aspect of marginalized culture that might be 'useful' " for the salvation of the family fortunes is the sentiment that drives the frenetic race to marry Victoria to whoever can rescue the family from poverty.35 In the adult world, Victoria and Victor do not choose their mates or their life path.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: پهلوی‌ هم‌ گذاری‌، مجاورت‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: هم‌جواری

Collage is the juxtaposition of disparate things and the twentieth-century mode of manifesting paradox 'par excellence'. See also: Composition � Depth cues � Figure-ground � Focal point � Juxtaposition � Message area � Pictorial space � Positive-negative space � Value � Visual field Their 'frames' derive significance from juxtaposition. See also: Dialogue � Didactic � Engage (d�gagements) � Gesture � Juxtaposition � Kinetic � Mediate � Reciprocity See also: Design intent � Problem-solving Juxtaposition

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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