داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: متیل پردنیزولون

• In an initial randomized controlled trial (RCT) involving 100 IHCA patients, the use of a combination of methylprednisolone, vasopressin, and epinephrine during cardiac arrest and hydrocortisone after ROSC for those with shock significantly improved survival to hospital discharge compared with the use of only epinephrine and placebo.9 In a subsequent study published in 2013,10 136 in 268 patients with IHCA, the same combination of methylprednisolone, vasopressin, and epinephrine during cardiac arrest (and hydrocortisone in those with post-ROSC shock), significantly improved the survival to discharge with good neurologic outcome compared with only epinephrine and placebo. • The same 2 RCTs provided evidence that the use of methylprednisolone and vasopressin in addition to epinephrine improved ROSC rates compared with the use of placebo and epinephrine alone. However, the combination of intra-arrest vasopressin, epinephrine, and methylprednisolone and postarrest hydrocortisone may be considered for IHCA patients.

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