It has been established that anesthetic drugs (diazepam, midazolam, isoflurane-N2O, propofol, opioids, methohexital) blunt or eliminate the increases in ICP or CBF associated with ketamine.116,124,125 Accord- ingly, although ketamine is probably best avoided as the sole anesthetic drug in patients with impaired intracranial compliance, it may be cautiously given to patients who are simultaneously receiving adjunctive sedative drugs.
Accordingly, this anesthetic has been used to activate seizure foci during cortical mapping.211 In neurosurgical patients to whom larger doses of methohexital were admin- istered to produce burst suppression of the EEG, refractory seizures have occurred.215 Consequently, it appears that patients with seizures of temporal lobe origin, typically of the psychomotor variety or those to whom large doses are administered, are at risk for seizure activation by metho- hexital.
However, prolonged seizure activity after single- dose methohexital administration has not been reported in patients who undergo ECT.
Etomidate is also associated with longer seizures in response to ECT than seizures that occur after the admin- istration of methohexital or propofol.
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