زیست شناسی::
Endodermal and ectodermal cetls are unipotent progenitor cells that divide continuously, producing more lineage-restricted epithelia.
Upon amputation, sigma neoblasts (soxP-2- expressing) generate a huge variety of cell types (brain, intestine, muscle, excretory, pharynx, and eyes), as well as the progenitor population for zeta neoblasts.
Once the wound is covered, the cells from the distal tip of the existing tissues undergo dedifferentiation (yellow zone), which produces specified, lineage-restricted progenitors for each tissue type (muscle progenitors, light purple; bone progenitors, indigo blue; fibroblast progenitors, black; regenerating axons, gray graded from proximal to distal).
These progenitor cells form a mass of proliferative cells directly beneath the AEC that constitutes the blastema (red).
Thus, the blastema is not a collection of unspecified multipotent progenitor cells.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران