داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: نگهدار یاحافظ‌، دربان‌، زندانبان‌، قلعه‌ بان‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: یاور

5 The Concierge: Making Life Easier 145 • The Concierge reduces hassles and helps clients make good decisions in the face of information overload. (Even though the people consigning the goods to Wood are selling, not buying, Wood calls them clients because she is providing them a service, the kind described in the Concierge chapter.) That in itself is a valuable middleman service (the role described in the Concierge chapter), but McKenney also understands that the value she provides goes beyond saving a bride's time. THE CONCIERGE

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