روان شناسی و مشاوره::
انتقال متقابل، انتقال متقابل
This is evident in the analyst's (i) receiving the patient with happiness, (ii) interpreting the patient's defences against feelings of happiness, (iii) diagnosing false happiness and unmasking its defensive and discharge functions, (iv) enjoying the patient's authentic happiness, and (v) managing the countertransference reactions to happiness-related exchanges in the dyad.
Such pleasure is consonant with the notion of "unobjectionable positive countertransference" (Fox, 1998; Gill, 1994), referring to the profes- sionally appropriate and personally ego-syntonic positive feelings of analysts towards their patients.
Managing the countertransference reactions to happiness-related exchanges in the clinical dyad
Avoiding expressions of happiness from his side (in response to a major advance in the self-observing function of the analyand's ego) or becoming overly exuberant (at minor and exter- nal achievements of the patient) are both evidences of a hitherto undetected countertransference difficulty.
The analyst's successful working through of such '"inherited" pseudo-unhappi-ness via post-graduation self- analysis and growth would determine how free of countertransference he or she can remain while encoun-tering happiness (within the self or within the patient) in the clini-cal situation.
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