noun area of land with its own government ADJ. beautiful, fascinating, great this great country of ours | hot, tropical | temperate | cold | foreign, overseas, strange It's difficult to live in a foreign country when you don't speak the language. students from overseas countries What must it be like, to grow old in a strange country? | home, native | adopted Many refugee servicemen gave their lives for their adopted country. | host The refugees do jobs that workers in the host country refuse to do. | neighbouring | distant, far, faraway | independent | occupied | free ‘It's a free country!’ he shouted. ‘I can do what I like.’ | enemy, friendly | neutral, non-aligned | Arab, African, etc. | Eastern, Western, etc. | Anglophone, English-speaking, etc. | EU, NATO, etc. | member, non-member OECD member countries | developed, industrial/industrialized | developing, Thirld World, underdeveloped industrially backward countries | advanced economically advanced countries | backward | low-income, poor | affluent, rich | capitalist, communist, democratic, socialist | Catholic, Muslim, etc. | oil-exporting, oil-producing VERB + COUNTRY govern, rule, run The country was ruled by a brutal dictatorship. the politicians who run the country | lead He accused the government of leading the country to disaster. | divide, split The issue of the single currency has divided the country. | flee, leave The former president has been forced to flee the country. | serve | love He loved his country deeply. | betray | play for, represent She represented her country at the Sydney Olympics. | tour, travel, visit He travelled the country on his motorbike. COUNTRY + VERB border sth countries bordering the Black Sea | export sth, import sth The country exports around 80% of its output. | agree sth, sign sth The two countries signed a basic treaty of cooperation. PREP. across a/the ~ travelling across the country | all over a/the ~ They are holding special events all over the country. | around/round a/the ~ This is just one of 30 sites around the country. | in a/the ~ people who live in this country | throughout a/the ~ New schools are being built throughout the country. PHRASES country of origin All goods must be clearly labelled with their country of origin. | a part of a country There will be rain in many parts of the country tomorrow. | the country as a whole The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole. area of land with particular features ADJ. desert, hill/hilly, mountain/mountainous, open, wooded The village is surrounded by miles and miles of open country. | rough, wild | farming This part of Africa is rich farming country. | hunting, walking superb walking country QUANT. stretch, tract a beautiful stretch of country Whole tracts of country, once fertile, have become arid. land away from towns/cities COUNTRY + NOUN life | air | lane, road | area, district | town, village | cottage, estate, home, house, mansion, residence, retreat, seat | park | walk | boy, girl | gentleman, squire | dweller, folk, people PREP. across ~ riding across country | in the ~ She lives in the country.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
a foreign country
(= not your own country )
• Have you ever worked in a foreign country?
a strange country
(= not your own country )
• She was in a strange country, with no friends and no family.
a European/African/Asian etc country
• The President will be visiting four European countries.
a democratic/capitalist/communist etc country
• the former socialist countries of Eastern Europe
your home/native country
(= where you were born or live permanently )
• After five years in America, she returned to her home country, Japan.
a developing/Third World country
(= poor and trying to increase its industry and trade )
• Many developing countries receive some foreign aid.
a developed country
(= rich and where most people have a comfortable life )
• Developed countries are responsible for most emissions of carbon dioxide.
an underdeveloped country
(= poor and developing more slowly than others )
• The disease still exists, mainly in underdeveloped countries.
an industrialized country
• America and other industrialized countries
an advanced country
• technologically advanced countries such as Japan
a Christian/Muslim/Catholic etc country
• England became a Christian country in the seventh century.
your adopted country
(= that you have chosen to live in permanently )
• I felt proud of my adopted country, America.
a great country
(= important, with many past achievements )
• the great countries of Europe
an independent country
(= not controlled by another country )
• Malaysia has been an independent country since 1963.
an occupied country
(= controlled by an army from another country )
• For many years, Egypt was an occupied country.
a free country
(= where people’s actions are not too restricted )
• You can go where you like – it’s a free country.
a member country
(= belonging to a particular international organization )
• the member countries of the European Community
the host country
(= where an event is held )
• Which is the host country for the next Olympic Games?
run/govern the country
(= officially control a country )
• The government has the job of running the country.
rule a country
(= have complete control of a country )
• For a long time the country was ruled by military dictators.
leave the country
• The journalists were given 24 hours to leave the country.
flee the country
(= leave it very quickly to avoid trouble )
• At the outbreak of the war, many people fled the country.
serve your country
(= work for your country in an official way )
• Remember those who are serving our country as soldiers, sailors, and airmen.
lead the country
• She became the first woman to lead the country.
represent your country
• It’s a great honour to be chosen to represent your country in a sport.
betray your country
(= be disloyal, especially by giving secrets to other countries )
• He betrayed his country for the sake of communism.
sb’s/sth’s country of origin
(= where you were born or live permanently, or where something was produced )
• Please give your name, age, and country of origin.
country 2
open country
(= away from towns, and with few buildings, walls, trees etc )
• We left the city and headed towards the open country in the north.
wild country
(= not used or farmed by people )
• I love the wild country of the Scottish Highlands.
rough country
(= difficult to travel over )
• a vehicle especially designed for rough country
farming/walking/riding etc country
• To the east is an area of rich farming country.
mountain/mountainous country
• a vast stretch of mountain country
hill/hilly country
• He grew up in Texas hill country.
wooded country
(= with a lot of trees )
• They escaped through hilly, wooded country.
desert country
• Not much grows in this desert country.