

1 تاریخ:: انبساطی

In the aftermath of Thorneycroft's departure Macmillan and his new Chancellor, Derick Heathcote Amory, gradually switched to an expansionary macroeconomic policy. The TUC remained well disposed to the idea of planning, and in fact shared the FBI's enthusiasm for a more expansionary economic strategy than the government had hitherto been following, but suspected that the NEDC was in reality the latest in a The second had caused governments to rein in expansionary policies designed to stimulate national output if this had risen beyond a ? Although the 1964-70 Wilson administrations had come under some pressure to rein in its expansionary programme further than it found palatable, it was generally true that external assistance had facilitated the return of the nation's current account to balance without a violent de? The expansionary impact on activity resulting from ?

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