داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: رامی‌، حرف‌ شنوی‌، فرمانبرداری‌، اط‌اعت‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 معارف اسلامی و الهیات:: اطاعت

The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the Word of God, the only rule of faith and obedience. The providence of God toward man in the estate in which he was created, was the placing him in paradise, appointing him to dress it, giving him liberty to eat of the fruit of the earth; putting the creatures under his dominion, and ordaining marriage for his help; affording him communion with himself; instituting the Sabbath; entering into a covenant of life with him, upon condition of personal, perfect, and perpetual obedience, of which the tree of life was a pledge; and forbidding to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, upon the pain of death. The grace of God is manifested in the second covenant, in that he freely provideth and offereth to sinners a mediator, and life and salvation by him; and requiring faith as the condition to interest them in him, promiseth and giveth his Holy Spirit to all his elect, to work in them that faith, with all other saving graces; and to enable them unto all holy obedience, as the evidence of the truth of their faith and thankfulness to God, and as the way which he hath appointed them to salvation. It was requisite that the mediator should be God, that he might sustain and keep the human nature from sinking under the infinite wrath of God, and the power of death; give worth and efficacy to his sufferings, obedience, and intercession; and to satisfy God's justice, procure his favor, purchase a peculiar people, give his Spirit to them, conquer all their enemies, and bring them to everlasting salvation. It was requisite that the mediator should be man, that he might advance our nature, perform obedience to the law, suffer and make intercession for us in our nature, have a fellow-feeling of our infirmities; that we might receive the adoption of sons, and have comfort and access with boldness unto the throne of grace.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: obedience adjectives blind obedience (= when you obey rules or a person without thinking about why ) • I followed my father's commands with blind obedience. unquestioning obedience (= when you obey rules or a person without questioning whether they are right ) • Even soldiers must not follow all orders with unquestioning obedience. absolute/complete/total obedience • The King required absolute obedience. verbs demand/expect obedience • Parents should not demand unquestioning obedience from their children. owe somebody obedience • The knights owed obedience to their king. swear obedience • Monks swore obedience to the Pope.


2 general::   noun ADJ. absolute, complete, total He demands absolute obedience from his men. | blind, passive, unquestioning VERB + OBEDIENCE demand, exact, expect | owe All clergy owed obedience to their superior. | pledge, swear PREP. in ~ to She acted in passive obedience to her boss's directions. | ~ to The slaves had to swear obedience to their masters.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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