1 قرارداد و اسناد تجاری:: بدون مجوز
On 2 September 2009 the Rio de Janeiro Court of Appeals confirmed the decision of the court of first instance which had ordered injunctive relief for the organising committee of the 2007 Pan-American Games (which were hosted in Rio) against the Rio de Janeiro International Airport Taxi Service, to stop unauthorised use of the trademark 'RIO 2007.' The Court of Appeals confirmed that such unauthorised use constituted both a trademark infringement as well as ambush marketing, by creating an undue association with the Pan-American Games as if the defendant were an official sponsor of the event. The companies had used the words 'World Cup' and/or unauthorised depictions of players in the Brazilian national uniform in their advertising (some of the com- panies were direct competitors of CBF's official sponsors of the national team), and FIFA and the CBF were planning to take action. LOCOG must therefore be able to prevent others from creating an unauthorised association with the Games and thereby profiting from the Games for free to the detriment of those who have lawfully acquired such rights. 225 See Laurie, A 'LOCOG gets set to ambush unauthorised marketing in the lead-up to London Olympics,' January 2011, available online at the time of writing at http://www.ashursts.com/ publication-item.aspx?
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