داستان آبیدیک



1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: اختلال نوشتن

Many dyslexics also suffer from dysgraphia, whereby they struggle with spelling, penmanship, and the ability to express words and thoughts in writing. Many people who suffer from dyslexia also suffer from the writing disor- der known as dysgraphia, but the two are not necessarily connected. In fact, people with dysgraphia may be good readers and excel at speaking verbally but struggle with spelling, have penmanship that no one can read, and be unable to transfer their thoughts into written form. Leane Somers, a reading specialist from New York, has a son who suffers from dysgraphia. Somers adds that dysgraphia makes the writing process "maddeningly slow, and the product often illegible.

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