داستان آبیدیک



1 عمومی:: اشكال‌ در حرف‌ زدن‌، (ط‌ب‌) عدم‌ قدرت‌ تكلم‌، دشوایی‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: آواپریشی

Psychologi- cal trauma or excessive emotional stress may accompany the onset of spasmodic dysphonia. Muscle tension dysphonia that emerges during an upper respira- tory infection may persist long after the cold has resolved, presumably because of the effortful phonation and other maladaptive vocal behaviors adopted during the cold. "Psychogenic" dysphonia was more common in females than males. Typical prevalence rates range from as low as 6% to as high as 23%10-11 In a major children's medical center, the most common medical diagnoses were subglottic stenosis, vocal nodules, laryn- gomalacia, dysphonia without visible organic pathology, and vocal fold paral- ysis.12 However, that specialist practice may tend to overestimate the type and number of extreme medical conditions in children's voice disorders. Psychogenic Conversion Aphonia and Dysphonia

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