داستان آبیدیک



1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: نارساخوانی، اختلال یادگیری، دیسلکسیا ا

Many health-care professionals say that the most common type of learning disability is dyslexia, which is a general term used to describe reading and language-based problems. According to the International Dyslexia Association, of all the children who have learning disabilities, an estimated 80 percent suffer from dyslexia. Many health-care professionals say that boys have learning disabilities, especially dyslexia, far more often than girls. (NASET), equal numbers of boys and girls suffer from dyslexia, but for unknown reasons many girls' learning disabilities are not identified and therefore not treated. Newsom, who was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was in the fifth grade, says that he was "terrible in school."13 He found reading and،(2006) suggest the inclusion of four disorders in this category: autism spectrum disorders, specific language impairment, dyslexia, and ADHD. The focus will then turn to the different types of SLD, including reading disabilities (dyslexia), dis- orders of written expression (dysgraphia), mathematics disability (dyscalculia), and nonverbal learning disabilities. SLD With Impairment in Reading (Dyslexia) Specific Reading Disability/ Developmental Dyslexia Dyslexia: Intervention

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